April 21, 2010

Healthy Ice Cream

This Summer, I would like to recommend a healthy menu that comes equipped with coolness and delicious taste such as Fresh Fruit Ice cream.
Ingredients : Soybean milk, Fresh Fruits (Berry), Sugar, Lemon
Method :
1. Stir the milk and sugar together at the proportion of 2 milk boxes to 125 grams of sugar.
2. Oil the mixture so the sugar melt. Make sure you stir the mixture gently and consistently, to prevent sugar from burning at the bottom of the pot.
3. Wait until the sugar melts and combines well with milk before resting it aside to cool down.
4. Put the fresh fruits into the blender. Only high quality fresh fruits are recommended, because all of the effort put into the process and preparation should not be ruined by low-quality ingredients.
5. Mix all the ingredients together in the blender until finely crushed.
6. Add the lemon in, to introduce the citrus scent and tangy taste, and mix it well with the fruits from berry family.
7. For those of you who do not own and ice cream mixer, when you are completed with the process above, you can simply pour it into a glass,decorate it with colorful fruits, and serve it as a smoothie. For those of you who have and ice cream mixer, pour the ingredients into the mixer and mix until it becomes sticky enough before scooping it into a bowl, decorating it and serving it as a total heat reliever!
I think this ice cream will provide a good nutrition for your health and provide coolness for this summer.


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